
Valverde has played 250 games for Real Madrid

07h21 CEST


Fede Valverde played his 250th game in a Real Madrid jersey in the match against Barcelona. The midfielder reaches this milestone after six seasons in the first team, in which he has won 10 trophies: 1 Champions League, 2 Club World Cups, 2 LaLiga titles, 1 Copa del Rey, 1 European Super Cup and 3 Spanish Super Cups.

These 200 games have come in 170 La Liga matches, 49 Champions League matches, 19 Copa del Rey, 9 Spanish Super Cups, 2 Club World Cups and 1 European Super Cup. Valverde beat his record number of appearances last season with 56 games. So far this season, the Uruguayan has been in the starting line-up 46 times. 


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